How to Be Curious Workshop
Curiosity opens the door to creativity.
We seems to be living in incurious times.
The world around us seems to be becoming more divided
Commercial media is more extreme as it seeks more eyeballs
Politics is becoming more partisan and personal
There is even a war against our basic biology, our bodies are being labeled as ‘meat-suits’ as if there is a wish to become a brain with a cellphone
How can we stand in uncertainty, staying open to others while recognizing our vision of possibilities?
How do we be curious?
Join me as I share 11 practices for being curious in uncertain times, reducing anxiety, and based on the neuroscience of trauma and the psychology of resilience these exercises are based on three areas
getting curious about ourselves, listening to our bodies
getting curious about others, listening to others, seeing possibilities, and curating your circle of influence
sharing our curiosity with others, creating collections of ideas, expanding your care and sharing ideas.
These are simple practices you can do every day to make the world within and around you more fascinating, instructive and inviting.
Becoming Curious
How to Be Curious Schedule
12 Weeks
June - August 2021
Join from anywhere via Zoom.
June 7, 14, 21, 28
Berlin 7pm-8:30pm
UK 6pm-6:30pm
Pacific 10am-11:30am
Eastern 12pm-1:30pm
July 5, 12, 19, 26
Berlin 7pm-8:30pm
UK 6pm-6:30pm
Pacific 10am-11:30am
Eastern 12pm-1:30pm
August 2, 9, 16, 23
Berlin 7pm-8:30pm
UK 6pm-6:30pm
Pacific 10am-11:30am
Eastern 12pm-1:30pm
8 Week Live Workshop Series
Includes live workshops, workbook.