Storytelling for Change
Storytelling and Human Dignity
The United Nations declaration of Human Rights starts by citing the right for human dignity. Dignity is a word we rarely think of in our daily life but I argue that our stories need to pay more attention to human dignity.
How to Stay Curious When the World is At War?
How do we stay curious when the world is at war? And why is curiosity important? This post is a response to articles being written about the worst case scenario, which triggers fear and closes down curiosity.
The Pace of Change
Change happens when we can see our world from a different point of view. This is how we get people to care. But getting people to see is something that takes time.
How do We Humanize Humans
I’ve been thinking about this question for over thirty years? Somehow, asking how we humanize humans feels relevant and wrong at the same time.
What if Our Stories are Dividing Our World
How has it come to be that the Hero's Journey is claimed to be THE story structure that humans tell and remember? Moving from division to unity.
Winning Attention: Dale vs. The Hero
We are living in the attention economy. And many people are now being led to believe that we have to share stories of heroic characters to break through the noise and connect to a larger audience. Is this true?
Why the Hero’s Journey Isn’t for Everyone
Many of the stories we use, the stories that marketers teach us to use to make change, are based on looking back, pointing fingers, finding separation and conflict and struggling forward.
Let’s Listen, Stories of Color
Here is a list of podcasts that illustrate forms of structural inequality and moving beyond the divide, from voices that have inspired me.
Ideas for Your Ears
Each day I discover more films, art, articles online that I want to dive into. Here are some suggestions of content that is changing the narrative.